Thursday, June 27, 2013


Objective C:

Courses & Resources for iPhone:
For downloading Xcode:

Top Forums:



Apple sample examples: 
Beginning iPad Application Development:

Tutorials from Stanford University:

Tutorials,samples, & information about iPhone:                                                                                                  

Video tutorial for iPhone development: 

iPhone SDK programming :a beginner's guide:

Page navigation between simple views with animation:

Adding images+label+navigation in Table view:

Parsing XML + TableView:

Passing arguments to web service + Parsing:

Implementing map in iPhone:                             
Route map in iPhone apps: 

Game implements in iPhone:

Video training for IPhone:

Application for navigate to URLs: 



iPhone development with Flash CS5: 

Calendar view in iPhone SDK:

Steps for putting our own app. in iTunes with .app :

Step 1: Run the application with iPhone using Xcode.
Step 2: Open your application build folder,see Debug-iphonos folder, in this folder u can see .app file
Step 3: Drag this file into iTunes.

Steps for install the app on iPhone device without Xcode:
1. First get UDID of iPhone device
2. Create the provisioning profile by using that UDID
3. Build your application in release mode

Send the provisioning profile and your application to client.
Now client need to follow following steps.

1. He first needs to connect his iPhone device with Mac machine
2. Drag the provisioning profile on iTunes
3. Drag the application on iTunes
4. Finally synch the application on device

Source code for Unlock iPhone/iPod:

App Store Pre-Submission Test (check list):

Steps for submitting iPhone( iOS ) application to Apple(app, iTunes) store:

iPhone with Facebook:

iPhone with Twitter:

Check for an Internet Connection on iPhone SDK:

Implementing Apple push Notification on iPhone SDK:

Google Docs API integration in iPhone SDK:

iPhone Database Implementation using SQLite:
Integrate iAd into iPhone application:

Cover flow effect:            


Playing youtube videos in iPhone apps:

Manual memory management:                                            
                                                                                                                                                            How to find memory leaks in iPhone: 
                                                                                                                                                        iPhone Memory Management Tips:              

Get crash reports from user device:                    
PopoverView in iPad:
Barcode,QR reader:

Post user review to itunes store from app:

Configuring Xcode to use Subversion (or) Configuring Xcode SCM Repositories:

Paypal payment gateway integration:

Get local number of device iPhone:

Custom (Image) Navigation bar: 

@interface UINavigationBar (CustomBackground)  - (void)drawRectCustomBackground:(CGRect)rect;@end@implementation UINavigationBar (CustomBackground)- (void)drawRectCustomBackground:(CGRect)rect {if (self.barStyle == UIBarStyleDefault) {[[UIColor greenColor] set];CGRect fillRect = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height);CGContextFillRect(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), fillRect);return;}// Call default implementation[self drawRectCustomBackground:rect];}@end  main.m to look like this:#import #import "UINavigationBar+CustomBackground.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];// Swizzle the nav barMethod drawRectCustomBackground = class_getInstanceMethod([UINavigationBar class], @selector(drawRectCustomBackground:));Method drawRect = class_getInstanceMethod([UINavigationBar class], @selector(drawRect:));method_exchangeImplementations(drawRect, drawRectCustomBackground);int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, @"AppDelegate");[pool release];return retVal;}  

Understanding and Analyzing iPhone OS Application Crash Reports(logs):
Steps to analyze crash report from apple: 
1.Copy the release .app file which was pushed to the appstore,  and the .dSYM file that was created at the time of release and  the crash report received from APPLE into a one FOLDER. 
2.OPEN terminal application and go to the folder created above (using CD command) 
3.atos -arch armv7 -o ''/'<.dSYM filename here>' . 
The memory location should be the one at which the app crashed as per the report.   
Ex: atos -arch armv7 -o 'app'/'app name' 0x0003b508This would show you the exact line, method name which resulted in crash.  Ex: [classname functionName:]; -510

About dealloc:

NSLog format specifiers:

%@ Object
%d, %i signed int
%u unsigned int
%f float/double
%x, %X hexadecimal int
%o octal int
%zu size_t
%p pointer
%e float/double (in scientific notation)
%g float/double (as %f or %e, depending on value)
%s C string (bytes)
%S C string (unichar)
%.*s Pascal string (requires two arguments, pass pstr[0] as the first, pstr+1 as the second)
%c character
%C unichar
%lld long long
%llu unsigned long long
%Lf long double
NSLog(@"frame = %@\n", NSStringFromCGRect(self.view.frame));
NSLog(@"center = %g, %g",,;
NSLog(@" self.view is: %@", self.view); 

iOS 5 SDK Tutorial and Guide Page:              

Beginning ARC(Automatic Reference Counting) in iOS5 Tutorial:



Web services + iPhone



iPhone sdk sample codes from google code:

How to create universal static libraries on Xcode 4:

Install .app on iPhone simulator:
If you open up Finder, and go to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/iOS version/Applications, you will find directories for all the apps installed on the simulator.

Just zip up that top level folder for the app, and have the other user drop it in the same directory. Works like a charm.

NOTE: I think you may have to compile it for that specific version of iOS before sending it over to them.

DigitalColor Meter + [UIColor colorWithRed:0.663 green:0.855 blue:0.341 alpha:1]
We have an application in our MAC called "DigitalColor Meter". We can use this application into our application to get the color code for RGB.

1) Open DigitalColor Meter application in MAC, can use spot light for easy search.
2) Keep the required mode to "RGB as Percentage"
3) Using the mouse pointer go to the required color on the screen.
4) Note down the RGB values in percentage.
5) In our code you can use the method
[UIColor colorWithRed:0.663 green:0.855 blue:0.341 alpha:1]
convert percentage values into fractions. like 53.5% will become 0.535. Use the respective RGB values in the code, and alpha value must be 1.
Run the application, you will get the exact color required.

Gdata in iPhone:

Delegation Pattern in Objective-c and writing Custom Delegates:

Core data:

For Hide/UnHide Files in mac:
UnHide:  In terminal
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
killall Finder
Hide: In terminal
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder

Useful SVN Commends:

Migrate to ARC:                                                        

How to Password Protect a Folder on the Mac:
* Open up the "Disk Utility" application
* File -> New -> Disk Image from Folder...
* choose a folder to protect
* choose "AES-128" encryption and press Save
* Enter your desired new password twice (Do not forget it.)

This process creates an ordinary Macintosh disk image (.dmg) file. The disk image contains the entire contents of the folder, but cannot be opened unless the correct password is supplied. To open it, just double-click the .dmg file in Finder. A password dialog box will appear. Once you supply your correct password, Finder will automatically unencrypt your data and mount the image as a disk.

How to install Apache and PHP on a Mac with OSX 10.8 : 

Lazy loading:

Communicating two apps (URL schemes):

Creating Static Library:

Custom features (codes) in iOS:
Side menu in IOS:
JSON Validator:
Convert .xps to pdf:
Online tests:

Background location Updates:

Equal spacing and equal width for buttons in IOS auto layout:

Call a Web Service as your iOS App Enters the Background:

Force an iPhone user to upgrade an application: 
- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
#pragma mark New version of app is available alert in iOS
  NSDictionary* infoDictionary = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
  NSString* appID = "your appid";
  NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"", appID]];
  NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url];
  NSDictionary* lookup = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:nil];
  if ([lookup[@"resultCount"] integerValue] == 1){
    float appStoreVersion = [lookup[@"results"][0][@"version"] floatValue];
    float currentVersion = [infoDictionary[@"CFBundleShortVersionString"] floatValue];
    if (appStoreVersion < currentVersion) {
      UIAlertView *createUserResponseAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"New Version!!" message: @"A new version of app is available to download" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles: @"Update", nil];
      [createUserResponseAlert show];

-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
  NSString *iTunesLink = @"itms:// appid?mt=8";
  [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:iTunesLink]];

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